Source code for ilustrado.mutate

# coding: utf-8
""" This file implements all possible single mutant

from traceback import print_exc
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

from matador.utils.cell_utils import cart2abc
from matador.utils.chem_utils import get_stoich
from matador.plugins.voronoi_interface.voronoi_interface import get_voronoi_points

from .util import LOG

[docs]def mutate(parent, mutations=None, max_num_mutations=2, debug=False): """ Wrap _mutate to check for null/invalid mutations. Parameters: parent (dict): parent structure to mutate, Keyword Arguments: mutations (list(fn)) : list of possible mutation functions to apply, max_num_mutations (int) : maximum number of mutations to apply. """ mutant = deepcopy(parent) attempts = 0 max_attempts = 100 while parent == mutant and attempts < max_attempts: try: _mutate( mutant, mutations=mutations, max_num_mutations=max_num_mutations, debug=debug, ) except RuntimeError: pass attempts += 1 if attempts == max_attempts: LOG.warning("Failed to mutate with {}".format(mutations)) return parent return mutant
def _mutate(mutant, mutations, max_num_mutations=2, debug=False): """ Chooses a random number of mutations and applies them. Parameters: mutant (dict): structure to mutate in-place, Keyword Arguments: mutations (list(fn)) : list of possible mutation functions, max_num_mutations (int) : maximum number of mutations to apply. """ possible_mutations = mutations if max_num_mutations == 1: num_mutations = 1 else: num_mutations = np.random.randint(1, high=max_num_mutations + 1) if debug: print("num_mutations", num_mutations) # get random list of num_mutations mutators to apply mutations = [] mutant["mutations"] = [] for _ in range(num_mutations): mutation = np.random.choice(possible_mutations) mutations.append(mutation) mutant["mutations"].append(str(mutation).split(" ")[1]) # apply successive mutations to mutant for mutator in mutations: mutator(mutant, debug=debug)
[docs]def permute_atoms(mutant, debug=False): """ Swap the positions of random pairs of atoms. Parameters: mutant (dict): structure to mutate in-place. Raises: RuntimeError: if only one type of atom is present. """ num_atoms = len(mutant["atom_types"]) initial_atoms = deepcopy(mutant["atom_types"]) if len(set(initial_atoms)) == 1: raise RuntimeError("Could not apply permute_atoms as only one type.") # choose atoms to swap valid = True idx_a = np.random.randint(0, num_atoms - 1) idx_b = np.random.randint(0, num_atoms - 1) while not valid: if mutant["atom_types"][idx_a] != mutant["atom_types"][idx_b]: valid = True idx_b = np.random.randint(0, num_atoms - 1) # swap atoms if debug: print(idx_b, mutant["atom_types"][idx_b], idx_a, mutant["atom_types"][idx_a]) temp = deepcopy(mutant["atom_types"][idx_b]) mutant["atom_types"][idx_b] = deepcopy(mutant["atom_types"][idx_a]) mutant["atom_types"][idx_a] = deepcopy(temp) if debug: print(list(zip(range(0, num_atoms), initial_atoms, mutant["atom_types"])))
[docs]def transmute_atoms(mutant, debug=False): """ Transmute one atom for another type in the cell. Parameters: mutant (dict): structure to mutate in-place. Raises: RuntimeError: if only one type of atom is present. """ types = list(set(mutant["atom_types"])) if len(types) < 2: raise RuntimeError("Unable to transmute, only one atom type present.") transmute_idx = np.random.randint(0, mutant["num_atoms"] - 1) transmute_type = mutant["atom_types"][transmute_idx] del types[types.index(transmute_type)] new_type = np.random.choice(types) assert new_type != transmute_type mutant["atom_types"][transmute_idx] = new_type
[docs]def vacancy(mutant, debug=False): """ Remove a random atom from the structure. Parameters: mutant (dict): structure to mutate in-place. """ if mutant["num_atoms"] < 2: raise RuntimeError("Cannot apply vacancy to cell with 1 atom.") vacancy_idx = np.random.randint(0, mutant["num_atoms"] - 1) if debug: print( "Removing atom {} of type {} from cell.".format( vacancy_idx, mutant["atom_types"][vacancy_idx] ) ) del mutant["atom_types"][vacancy_idx] del mutant["positions_frac"][vacancy_idx] if "positions_abs" in mutant: del mutant["positions_abs"][vacancy_idx] mutant["num_atoms"] = len(mutant["atom_types"]) # calculate stoichiometry mutant["stoichiometry"] = get_stoich(mutant["atom_types"])
[docs]def voronoi_shuffle( mutant, element_to_remove=None, preserve_stoich=False, debug=False, testing=False ): """ Remove all atoms of type element, then perform Voronoi analysis on the remaining sublattice. Cluster the nodes with KMeans, then repopulate the clustered Voronoi nodes with atoms of the removed element. Parameters: mutant (dict): structure to mutate in-place. Keyword Arguments: element_to_remove (str) : symbol of element to remove, preserve_stoich (bool) : whether to always reinsert the same number of atoms. testing (bool): write a cell at each step, with H atoms indicating Voronoi nodes. Raises: RuntimeError: if unable to perform Voronoi shuffle. """ if testing: from matador.export import doc2res doc2res(mutant, "initial_cell") if element_to_remove is None: element_to_remove = np.random.choice(list(set(mutant["atom_types"]))) try: mutant["atom_types"], mutant["positions_frac"] = zip( *[ (atom, pos) for (atom, pos) in zip(mutant["atom_types"], mutant["positions_frac"]) if atom != element_to_remove ] ) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError("Unable to Voronize atoms {}".format(mutant["atom_types"])) num_removed = mutant["num_atoms"] - len(mutant["atom_types"]) if debug: print("Removed {} atoms of type {}".format(num_removed, element_to_remove)) mutant["num_atoms"] = len(mutant["atom_types"]) mutant["atom_types"], mutant["positions_frac"] = ( list(mutant["atom_types"]), list(mutant["positions_frac"]), ) if testing: doc2res(mutant, "post_removal_cell") try: mutant["voronoi_nodes"] = get_voronoi_points(mutant) if not mutant["voronoi_nodes"]: raise RuntimeError if testing: voro_mutant = deepcopy(mutant) for node in mutant["voronoi_nodes"]: voro_mutant["atom_types"].append("H") voro_mutant["positions_frac"].append(node) voro_mutant["num_atoms"] += 1 doc2res(voro_mutant, "voronoi_cell") except Exception: if debug: print_exc() raise RuntimeError("Voronoi code failed") if debug: print("Computed {} Voronoi nodes".format(len(mutant["voronoi_nodes"]))) if preserve_stoich: num_to_put_back = num_removed else: std_dev = int(np.sqrt(num_removed)) try: num_to_put_back = np.random.randint( low=max(num_removed - std_dev, 1), high=min(num_removed + std_dev, len(mutant["voronoi_nodes"])), ) except Exception: num_to_put_back = len(mutant["voronoi_nodes"]) if debug: print( "Going to insert {} atoms of type {}".format( num_to_put_back, element_to_remove ) ) k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=num_to_put_back, precompute_distances=True)["voronoi_nodes"]) mutant["voronoi_nodes"] = k_means.cluster_centers_.tolist() if testing: voro_mutant = deepcopy(mutant) for node in mutant["voronoi_nodes"]: voro_mutant["atom_types"].append("H") voro_mutant["positions_frac"].append(node) voro_mutant["num_atoms"] += 1 doc2res(voro_mutant, "clustered_voronoi_cell") for node in mutant["voronoi_nodes"]: mutant["atom_types"].append(element_to_remove) mutant["positions_frac"].append(node) if debug: print("Previously {} atoms in cell".format(mutant["num_atoms"])) mutant["num_atoms"] = len(mutant["atom_types"]) mutant["stoichiometry"] = get_stoich(mutant["atom_types"]) if testing: doc2res(mutant, "final_cell") if debug: print("Now {} atoms in cell".format(mutant["num_atoms"]))
[docs]def random_strain(mutant, debug=False): """ Apply random strain tensor to unit cell from 6 \\epsilon_i components with values between -1 and 1. The cell is then scaled to the parent's volume. Parameters: mutant (dict): structure to mutate in-place. """ def generate_cell_transform_matrix(): """ Pick a random transformation matrix. """ strain_components = 2 * np.random.rand(6) - 1 cell_transform_matrix = np.eye(3) for i in range(3): cell_transform_matrix[i][i] += strain_components[i] cell_transform_matrix[0][1] += strain_components[3] / 2 cell_transform_matrix[1][0] += strain_components[3] / 2 cell_transform_matrix[2][0] += strain_components[4] / 2 cell_transform_matrix[0][2] += strain_components[4] / 2 cell_transform_matrix[1][2] += strain_components[5] / 2 cell_transform_matrix[2][1] += strain_components[5] / 2 return cell_transform_matrix valid = False while not valid: cell_transform_matrix = generate_cell_transform_matrix() # only accept matrices with positive determinant, then scale that det to 1 if np.linalg.det(cell_transform_matrix) > 0: cell_transform_matrix /= pow(np.linalg.det(cell_transform_matrix), 1 / 3) valid = True if valid: # assert symmetry assert np.allclose(cell_transform_matrix.T, cell_transform_matrix) assert np.linalg.det(cell_transform_matrix) > 0 if debug: print(cell_transform_matrix) # exclude all strains that take us to sub-60 and sup-120 cell angles new_lattice_abc = cart2abc( np.matmul(cell_transform_matrix, np.array(mutant["lattice_cart"])) ) for angle in new_lattice_abc[1]: if angle > 120 or angle < 60: valid = False # also exclude all cells where at least one lattice vector is less than 2 A mean_lat_vec = np.mean(new_lattice_abc[0]) for length in new_lattice_abc[0]: if length < mean_lat_vec / 2: valid = False mutant["lattice_cart"] = np.matmul( cell_transform_matrix, np.array(mutant["lattice_cart"]) ).tolist() mutant["lattice_abc"] = cart2abc(mutant["lattice_cart"]) if debug: print("lattice_abc:", mutant["lattice_abc"]) print("lattice_cart:", mutant["lattice_cart"]) print("cell_transform_matrix:", cell_transform_matrix.tolist())
[docs]def nudge_positions(mutant, amplitude=0.5, debug=False): """ Apply Gaussian noise to all atomic positions. Parameters: mutant (dict): structure to mutate in-place. Keyword Arguments: amplitude (float): amplitude of random noise in Angstroms. """ new_positions_frac = np.array(mutant["positions_frac"]) for ind, _ in enumerate(mutant["positions_frac"]): # generate random noise vector between -amplitude and amplitude new_positions_frac[ind] += amplitude * np.random.rand(3) - amplitude for i in range(3): if new_positions_frac[ind][i] > 1: new_positions_frac[ind][i] -= 1 elif new_positions_frac[ind][i] < 0: new_positions_frac[ind][i] += 1 mutant["positions_frac"] = new_positions_frac.tolist()
[docs]def null_nudge_positions(mutant, debug=False): """ Apply minimal Gaussian noise to all atomic positions, mostly for testing purposes. Parameters: mutant (dict): structure to mutate in-place. """ nudge_positions(mutant, amplitude=0.001) nudge_positions(mutant, amplitude=0.001)